Attorney Craig Watkins, the Dallas County District Attorney, says their office might press charges against Eric Duncan who was the first person to be diagnosed with Ebola virus in the United States. The patient placed the whole nation and country to a bad situation as he exposed many others to the Ebola virus which he incurred in Librea.
In related news, the Liberian authorities also said that Duncan will face charges when he will come back to Liberia. The said case was rooted to the fact that he lied in filling up a health form about not having contact with any person who has Ebola virus. He was said to be in contact with a pregnant woman who died of the virus a month ago.
During an interview in NBC 5, Watkins said that they are having discussions to whether or not they would decide on prosecuting the patient and what criminal charges apply. Furthermore, they would look if the case would be more of a federal issue.
Earlier this week, Duncan's story spread like wildfire as he was the first person in United States to have the disease. Moreover, he was not diagnosed right away making the people around him and the EMS who attended to him at risk. All exposed persons were quarantined and were placed under observation.
Up to date, the outbreak of Ebola virus disease is still uncontrolled and the vast research for its possible cure and vaccine are being done. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the death toll in West Africa reaches about 3,000 and more. There is likely to be a 50% chance of survival when infected with the virus which causes manifestations like fever, vomiting and diarrhea.
The virus has spread over West Africa and other countries like Liberia, Guinea, Senegal, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone. World Health Organization and the CDC are working hand in hand to finally stop the outbreak and prevent it from spreading.