When we hear cancer, we cringe at the idea of suffering from this debilitating disease. Cancer has been with us for decades and until now, there is no single treatment for it that can save lives. Yes, there are few methods that are deemed effective. The question is, for how long? However, as the old cliché goes, prevention is always better than cure.
Preventing the emergence or occurrence of cancer is very important to know nowadays because of the continuous rise of cancer cases around the world. In fact, according to the World Health Organization, cancer is one of the leading diseases for mortality and morbidity across the globe. Also, it incurred a total of 14 million new cases and 8.2 million cancer related deaths in 2012.
Lung cancer is the leading killer worldwide with 1.59 million deaths followed by liver cancer with 745,000 deaths. Stomach cancer has caused about 723,000 deaths while colorectal cancer caused 694,000 deaths. Meanwhile, breast cancer and oesophageal cancer caused 521,000 and 400,000 deaths respectively.
In its purpose to prevent cancer, the WHO has released nine proven ways to help battle the deadly disease.
1. Stop Smoking
According to the WHO, smoking tobacco is the most important risk factor for cancer causing around 20% of global cancer deaths and around 70% of global lung cancer deaths. If you are not smoking, do not ever think of starting and if you are a smoker, stopping now can reduce cancer risk.
2. Make the Home/Car Smoke-free
Smoking at home or inside the car raises the cancer risk of family members through second hand smoke. All the cancerous and dangerous chemicals found in cigarettes like are tar, carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide, oxidizing chemicals, metals and radioactive compounds can be found in second-hand smoke too. Preventing family members from incurring cancer is essential.
3. Exercise and be Physically Active
Exercise is an important activity that needs to be emphasized. A growing body of knowledge says that exercise can prevent certain types of cancers including breast and colon cancers. Aside from cancer, exercise can prevent heart diseases and even stroke.
4. Eating a Healthy Diet
Eating healthy foods rich in vitamins and minerals is the secret weapon against cancer. Eating healthy including lots of vegetables, fruits and whole grains can help the body build up the necessary endurance, strength and vitality needed to battle cancer. Also, limiting fatty foods and salt can help maintain a healthy body.
5. Limit Alcohol Intake
The most common cause of liver cancer is prolonged alcohol intake. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) discovered that alcohol-related cancers accounted for 3.5 percent of all cancer deaths in the United States in 2009.
6. Avoid Too Much Sun Exposure
Skin cancer is one of the deadliest types of cancers. Protecting the skin from the harmful rays of the sun can help prevent cancer. Using sunscreens and umbrellas can help reduce free radical exposure.
7. Breastfeed to Reduce Cancer Risk
Breastfeeding hits two birds with one stone: it gives your baby special antibodies to fight illness and also, it increase estrogen levels in the body that help protect the body from cancer.
8. Make Sure Your Family Members Receive the Hepatitis B and HPV Vaccine
Protecting the children from certain diseases is very important. Giving the hepatits B vaccine in early childhood can protect the child from liver cancer in the future. Furthermore, HPV vaccine helps reduce the risk for diseases caused by the HPV that can eventually lead to cancer.
9. Be Aware of Cancer Diagnostic Exams
Being aware of the various ways to diagnose cancer is important because if it is diagnosed earlier, prompt treatment will be rendered. Hence, the life of the person will be saved.
These are the ways to reduce cancer risk as reported by Yahoo Health News.