France may soon ban models that are too thin. Not only will models have to show they are an appropriate weight for their heights, modeling agencies and fashion designers who hire an excessively skinny model may be fined.
A new study reveals that loneliness can lead to poor health for a person. They have shown that being a loner doesn't only affect people mentally and emotionally, but also physically. Worse, scientists say that loners die younger too.
Hot sauce is something pizza eaters can't live without. However, in an incident in Chicago, it actually saved the life of a man by provoking a seizure attack that led to an important health diagnosis.
All drugs have side effects—that’s already a given. Take, for example, this heart drug that protects the person from stroke or heart attack but also increases the risk of bleeding.
Documents from the 1960s and 1970s have revealed that the sugar industry worked closely with the National Institutes of Health to cut back on research that showed sugar was responsible for tooth decay.
Do you have a Blue Bell ice cream in your fridge? Then you’ve been warned. Strains of Listeria have been found in some of their products, forcing the Blue Bell Creameries to issue a recall, the first in over a hundred years.
Stefan Lanka offered 100,000 Euros to anyone who could prove that the measles virus exists. But when David Barden offered him scientific studies as proof, he refused to pay up.
The Ebola outbreak in Western Africa has killed more than 10,000 people, according to the World Health Organization. The countries that have been hardest hit are Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone.
There are a lot of evidences about the health benefits of Vitamin D for certain issues like bone health and nutrient absorption. However, a new study, first of its kind, from the University of Copenhagen has found a link between cardiovascular deaths and both …
Science has indeed proven that boys and girls look for one particular trait in their partners. Do you have this trait? Apparently, based on a research by scientists from the University of Zurich, one trait that is important to both sexes is playfulness.