Since 2012, three members of the Yale University football program’s staff and one player have donated bone marrow to recipients with whom they matched.
Since 1995, the number of babies with neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) has multiplied ten-fold in Florida. The rate has tripled elsewhere in the United States.
Dentists may be able to reliably test for diabetes using blood from the gums during routine tooth cleaning. Such testing may be as accurate as standard screening for diabetes.
Legislators in at least 10 states are promoting changes to state laws that make either religious or philosophical vaccination exemptions harder to obtain.
A federal inspector at a primate facility where five monkeys were sickened has tested positive for the same bacteria, but may have been exposed during previous travel abroad to places where the disease is endemic.
Costco told Reuters that it is working to eliminate the sale of chicken and other meats raised with antibiotics vital to human medicine. The move came a day after McDonald's made a similar announcement.
British researchers say that the health benefits of an alcoholic drink a day may be exaggerated. The only people, maybe, who get a protective effect from light drinking when compared to people who never drink are women over age 65.