A new study by researchers from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology suggests that our craving and love for chocolates and other foods is actually linked to our personality.
What is worrisome about the latest case of Ebola in Liberia is that the woman works as a street food vendorand lived in a house with dozens of other people. She was in contact with dozens of people in the days before her symptoms appeared.
For rice lovers, this could be the answer to all their prayers. A new study from the College of Chemical Sciences in Colombo, Sri Lanka discovered that changing the way rice is cooked may lower its calorie count and making it less likely to lead to weight gain…
The much-maligned sweetener could actually do some good in the battle against cancer. Ironically, saccharin, an artificial sweetener has long been linked to many cancers. However, new research presented at the 249th National Meeting & Exposition of the America…
Researchers have made stem cells grow into tiny three-dimensional bits of lungs. The tiny organoids may allow scientists to research how lung tissue responds to disease and treatments.
In Africa, half a million people died from malaria in 2013. Most of them were children. Researchers have learned that swelling of the brain is often the way malaria kills children infected with a severe form of the disease.
A Mexican wrestling star died in the ring during a match with veteran wrestler, Ray Mysterio Jr. (Oscar Gutierrez). Pedro Aguayo Ramirez, who's known as Hijo del Perro Aguayo, died on Saturday at around 1:30 am after receiving a fatal blow and being kicked by…