Patients in the Bronx and in Washington, DC, were paid up to $280 a year to take their medications daily, but this incentive did not help them adhere to their treatment.
Women who have had weight-loss surgery and who then become pregnant have fewer risks during those pregnancies than do obese women who have not had such surgery. However, they still have some risks not seen in women who haven’t had such surgery.
Swedish researchers have now made the first comprehensive description of all the proteins in the venom of gila monsters. Gila monster venom already has yielded a drug used to treat diabetes.
Three men have had a disabled hand replaced with a bionic prosthetic hand. The new hands can be controlled using nerves and muscles that were transplanted into their arms from their legs.
A new study suggests that a certain gene has the ability to influence the shape of normal pancreatic cells and as a result, can be the culprit for the development of pancreatic cancer.