That second cup of coffee? OK. Eggs for breakfast every day? Yes. Some red meat? Go ahead. Just avoid sugary beverages and eat more vegetables and whole grains.
Parents, have you been forcing your toddlers to take a nap perhaps after lunch or right after play? Guess what, it’s not the best thing to do, according to a brand-new research.
Is Bill Gates correct in saying that HIV will be a thing of the past by 2030? Well, it looks like it now that a team of researchers has discovered a very protein that attacks and kills virtually all kinds of HIV strains.
Most sore throats are nuisances rather than serious matters. Sore throats witha fever and difficulty swallowing are another matter . The most common bacterial cause is thought to be Group A streptococcus, but a study of college students has found another bacte…
Early diagnosis can be difficult because it based on subjective assessments of behavior. Finding a biological marker for autism would help make diagnosing the condition more accurate.
According to new research, if you want to sing better, you have to sing more often. It doesn’t matter if you can’t carry a tune in a bucket, singing more helps you learn to sing.
Taking care of a child’s teeth and supervising them and instructing them in how to keep them clean and bright should start early. In fact, it should start before the teeth appear.