Teenagers are going into and out of relationships and when they end up in an abusive relationship; they actually need a safe space to talk about unhealthy dating relationships. They often find it in school-based health centers, according to a research.
Dengue fever is currently endemic to tropical parts of the world. However, its reach may spread further because of climate change and urbanization, according to a report by the United Nations University.
People who say that they exercise moderately or vigorously appear to be more likely to have lower blood pressure and blood sugar levels. The differences seen were greater for women than for men.
There appears to be a link between a mother who suffers from depression while her children are in the lower grades and their likelihood of engaging in risky behavior when they are teens.
According to the agency, the change was implemented "to more accurately reflect the Center's research commitment to studying promising health approaches that are already in use by the American public".
It’s been a tough battle for the LGBT community who’s been trying to change what is one of the most controversial health-related policies in the country: blood donation.
Appearing on television in a simple but elegant purple dress, which interestingly is the colour of royalty, Queen Elizabeth II thanked the hundreds of people like health care workers who are working against the Ebola infection.