Aurvey has established that only 1 in 5 hospitals in the US can handle patients who are brought in for Ebola symptoms. NNU, has urged hospitals to beef up in solidifying training and protocols for handling patients who have or who may have Ebola.
In a recently released statement, the Nobel committee said that O'Keefe's and the Mosers work "constitutes a comprehensive positioning system, an inner GPS, in the brain".
According to a statistics report published by the CDC, there has been 594 reported and confirmed cases of measles in 22 of America's states since January 1 to September 29, 2014. This figure marks the highest since 2001.
An immunologist has set up an account in a crowd funding website to speed up the research and discovery of a potentially potent treatment to the deadly disease.
21-month Old Madeline Reid was rushed to the Children's Hospital of Michigan last September 21 for additional care. The toddler who has been on life-support since mid-September has died yesterday.
The survey's results established that 3 out of 4 family carers admit that the care they have to give to a family member with schizophrenia is taking a toll on their physical and emotional well-being.
An advertorial published during Canada's Thanksgiving weekend features the established benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy to diabetic patients who suffer non-healing wounds. According to the advertorial, HBOT can improve the quality of the lives of these pa…
A group of scientists and researchers from Columbia University Medical Center have found a gene that, when lost, leads to a more aggressive type of brain cancer called glioblastoma.