A nurse who was attending to Thomas Eric Duncan had contracted the Ebola virus and is now being treated at the Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital. Authorities are asking people not to panic, and assured them that the situation is under control.
After violating the terms of their self-isolation agreement, Dr. Nancy Snyderman and her new screw has been put under mandatory quarantine by the New Jersey health department. Dr. Snyderman has issued a public apology for the incident.
Fatu Kekula, 22, of Liberia proves that she is doing something right with her methods: not only was she able to save 3 of her patients, but she herself never got infected.
A new study that has been published in the journal of Pediatrics reports that 12 percent of almost 8,000 infant sleeping deaths have occurred in the sofa.
Scientists have recently discovered that the human brain is able to regenerate brain cells after a stroke. This regeneration involves astrocytes which are the most common cells in the human brain.
A team of researchers examined a total number 3.2 million anesthesia cases from 2010 to 2014. Looking at the data they have gathered, the team saw a decline in anesthesia complications from 11.8 percent to 4.8 percent.