Google has just recently purchased Lift Labs, the company behind Liftware, a spoon that can reduce essential tremors among Parkinson's disease sufferers up to 70%.
Lynn Health Care Center in Massachusetts is currently testing more than 500 people, both patients and health workers, for any signs of tuberculosis after one staff tested positive of the disease.
150,000 Nigerian women suffer from Fistula sees hope for corrective surgery as an international non-governmental organization launches a program that supports fistula surgeries in certain African countries.
Federal health officials in the country say that the children in America are at high risk for developing high blood pressure and heart problems due to excessive salt in their daily diet.
Earlier this week, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has pledged $50 million dollars, which will be made available to United Nations agencies and other international organizations that are working in the fight against the Ebola outbreak in Africa.