New research finds that low-fat diets were no better than higher-fat interventions in achieving and maintaining weight loss for periods longer than one year.
Breast cancer was diagnosed less often in black women than white women, the death rate for breast cancer has been higher in black women. Now, the racial gap in diagnosis has closed, but the death gap has widened.
Young men participating in a pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) demonstration project experienced modest but significant bone loss after consistent Truvada treatment.
A new study has linked prolonged television viewing to eight leading causes of death in the US. The findings showed that more hours spent watching TV increases the risk of death from most of the major causes such as cancer and heart disease.
A new study says breastfeeding can reduce a mother’s risk of developing an aggressive type of cancer called hormone-receptor negative. The findings showed that the risk decreased by as much as 20 percent in women who breastfed.
A new study finds another explanation why alcohol drinking is highly co-abused with smoking, that is because nicotine cancels out the sleepiness sensation brought by alcohol.
A new study now shows that some symptoms of depression play a much bigger role than others, and that the symptoms listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) may not be the most useful ones.
A new European-wide research confirms that alcohol intake increases the chances of developing breast cancer in women, with risk increasing four times with the intake of each daily glass of wine or beer.
Researchers have found various toxic chemicals in new clothes. Several substances related to health risks were identified and even organic cotton contains such toxins in high amounts.
A recent study study has revealed preschoolers exposed to more light earlier in day tend to weigh more than afternoon children. Aside from sunlight, artificial light such as those coming from gadgets, was found to have a major impact with children's weight.