A South Korean man's visits to four healthcare facilities have led to an outbreak of Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) and three deaths in the area south of Seoul.
Researchers say that almost 30% of Americans have a problem with alcohol at some time during their lives. They stated that only about 20% of people who have a drinking problem get help for it.
Most states that have a large egg or chicken industry are looking to use every tool at their disposal to either halt the epidemic or to try to keep it from getting a foothold within their borders. Few states are not worrying.
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has updated its recommendations for how to treat fopr head lice. Any treatment for head lice has to be both effective and as safe as possible so that the cure is not worse than the problem.
Persisting drug shotages have hit the country. The drugs that are or have been in short supply range from antibiotics to cancer treatments to bags of sterile saline fluid.
The states of Rhode Island and Utah are experiencing a sudden significant increase of sexually transmitted disease (STD) cases not only among the young adults and the LGBT community. And they are pointing their fingers on dating apps such as Grindr and Tinder.
A class of cancer drugs called checkpoint inhibitors boost the body’s immune system to fight cancer. New research may extend the use of these drugs to selected patients with colorectal cancer, prostate cancer, and other tumors where they currently do not see…
More than 150 people who came into contact with the New Jersey man who died of Lassa fever this week have been identified. However, only about six people are at high risk for developing the disease.
A British study has found that when you ask about drinking on weekends and special occasions, the amount of alcohol people say they consume is much more accurate.
Summers is the time of year of thunderstorms, tornados, and downed power lines. Here are some tips on what to do to keep the food in your refrigerator and freezer safe.