LIFE Published February8, 2017 By Staff Reporter

(PHOTO) Harambe Look Alike Cheetos Sold for $99,000 on Ebay

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(PHOTO) Harambe Look Alike Cheetos Sold for $99,000 on Ebay
(PHOTO) Harambe Look Alike Cheetos Sold for $99,000 on Ebay

A piece of Cheetos on eBay, an online auction site, was won for over $ 99,000

Fox News reported that Cheetos, resembling a gorilla "Haramba", was sold for $ 99,900 on eBay.

This Cheetos has been auctioned on January 28th. The seller, who uses the 'valuestampsinc' ID, auctioned the piece of cookie about 3.8cm long, saying, "I found a Cheetos that resembled Harambe."

'Harambe' is the name of Gorillas killed in May last year at the Cincinnati Zoo in Ohio, US. Gorillas are an endangered species with only about 300 species worldwide.

At the time, the zoo killed a Harambe with a gun to save a 4-year-old boy.

Harambe did not attack the child. However, Harambe showed a high interest in the child who fell into us and took an action to pull it by hand or drag it. The zoo has killed Harambe because of kids safety.

However, there has been a wave of memories of Harambe who died on and offline. Analysist said that the behavior of Harambe was not an attempt to attack the child but an act to protect it.

In front of the zoo, a statue of Harambe with a cub on his back was erected, and a signing movement was launched to punish the parents who left the child and the zoo officials who made hasty killings. There was a protest in front of the zoo.

Even a former US presidential polling firm included Harambee as a candidate and Harambe got a 2 percent approval rate similar to the Green Party's "Jill Stein" candidate.

Thanks to this story, a piece of small cookies resembling Harambe was won at a price of over $99,000

The auction started at $ 11.99 for the first time, but the bids were won for whopping $ 99,900.

The seller said, "It will be a great collection for people collecting rare items."

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