Today, the rates of depression especially among teenagers are in a constant rise. One of the challenges of psychiatrists is to diagnose these types of conditions. However, researchers from the Northwestern University have developed a new mobile application cal…
A new trend is taking social media by storm, but this one was deemed unhealthy by health experts. Many individuals are posting sunburn art photos in their social media accounts as it was hyped as the new trend among youngsters. However, dermatologists are warn…
The hacking attack put the personal information of as many as 4.5 million people at risk, although there is no evidence that the hackers gathered any of the data.
Many people are bothered or even made miserable by persistent or recurring noises that no one else can hear. A study has found that electromagnetic pulses to the brain may help people with tinnitus.
The string of six cases of Ebola in Liberia, with two fatalities, has at the very least paused. However, more than 120 people that those patients have been in contact with are under surveillance.
A large review and analysis of the medical literature has found that people who have schizophrenia are three times more likely to smoke than those who do not. The study found that 57% of people diagnosed with schizophrenia for the first time were smokers and …
A new study has found that the reasons a teen has for using marijuana are a better predictor of other drug use than using marijuana in itself. This may mean that drug educators and counselors might be able to prevent some drug abuse if they focus on the reason…
Lyme disease was first detected and diagnosed in Connecticut and has grown to become a problem in much of the Northeast and upper Midwest United States. But the affected areas are expanding dramatically.
There are good reasons why you should make sure to have a copy of your medical records or at least have rapid access to them. You can organize them and use them to help you keep trackof your health.
Mosquirix, the new malaria vaccine, has serious drawbacks that could potentially stop development on almost any other vaccine, but malaria kills an African child every minute and no vaccine exists as yet. Even with all its faults, Mosquirix could make a huge d…