A new gene linked to eczema and chronic itching has been discovered by scientists. Animal studies have revealed that a gene that promotes itch could signal promise in future eczema treatment.
The number of new cases of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)—the virus that causes AIDS—has fallen in Scott County. The epidemic of HIV cases are due to the abuse of intravenous prescription drugs in southern Indiana.
Hollywood celebrities such as Rihanna and Jessica Alba rally behind a family who is currently fighting a devastating disease affecting their two little girls.
It is bad enough to be sick enough to have to go to the emergency room, but to have to go back for the same problem is worse A new study has found that repeat visits to the ER, including visits to a different ER, for the same problem are common.
If you haven’t heard much about DDT, it’s because it’s already a prohibited pesticide in the United States. However, it’s making a comeback based on a new study that suggests it can increase the risk of breast cancer.
A new study claims that diet may actually have a big effect on emotions. Researchers from the College of William and Mary have found an association between a diet high in fermented foods and decrease in neuroticism and social anxiety.
Victorian authorities have issued a public warning about a potentially-deadly and antibiotic-resistant superbug which may be linked to 18 deaths over the past three years. The emerging superbug can kill about half of those who get infected with it.
Severe appendicitis has been treated as a medical emergency for nearly 130 years. But a study has found that many patients can be treated with antibiotics alone.
Individual cases of MERS have occurred in Austria, France, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Turkey, and the United States. These cases were in people who caught the virus in the Middle East and then traveled home before symptoms developed.