Tests on theEbola virus found in a new fatal case in Liberia found that it is closely related to an earlier strain seen there. This finding may mean that Ebola was never completely eliminated from the country.
A new government study emphasizes the fact that certain drugs can carry serious side effects that affect not only the user but also other people, in this case, babies.
A study of people who call themselves vampires and who come from all walks of life has found that they are often afraid to tell their doctor or therapist about their alternative lifestyle.
Nearly three quarters of adults in four countries listed weight as the leading reason for a child being bulled. Weight was cited more often than race, religion, physical or mental handicap, or sexual orientation.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, has been working to block antismoking legislation in many other countries. Because of this, CVS Health Corporation has announced that it will resign from the Chamber of Commerce.
Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever is a potentially deadly disease that is prominent in tropical countries. It still has no known cure or vaccine yet but a new finding from scientists at the Vanderbilt University and the National University of Singapore could apparently…