The epidemic in heroin use across the country is affecting both men and women, all age groups, and people at all income levels. The greatest increases are occurring in groups that had usually had lower rates of heroin use in the past, including women and those…
When it comes to organ donations, Kate Jakes understand its importance well. Diagnosed with an autoimmune disease that attacks her liver rather than the infection, she has already received 3 liver transplants within the last 5 years, all of which led to failur…
A study has found that coffee drinkers appear to be half as likely to develop type 2 diabetes as people who do not drink coffee. Habitual coffee drinkers were 54% less likely to develop diabetes when compared to those who did not drink coffee, even after accou…
From 2011 to 2013, 44% of girls and 47% of boys between the ages of 15 and 19 said they had sexual intercourse at least once, according to the survey. This is a decline of 14% among girls and 22% for boys over the past 25 years.
More than one in five teen girls who are sexually active say they have used the morning-after emergency contraceptive pill. In 2002, only about one in twelve teen girls who were sexually active used the morning-after pill.
You don’t have to be a super hero like Batman to save lives. You can be one by simply learning how to do CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation). According to a new study, there’s a direct correlation between survival of patients after sudden cardiac arrest an…
In legal depositions that he gave years ago, comedian Bill Cosby states that he gave women Quaaludes before he had sexual activity with them. But what are Quaaludes?
Only about 81% of children entering kindergarten in Seattle have been vaccinated for polio. This is lower than the polio vaccination rates of many developing countries according to statistics from the World Health Organization.
Could a simple saliva test detect Alzheimer's disease? Early detection of this disease could be made available using one simple body fluid: saliva. The saliva test was presented by researchers from the University of Alberta in Canada at the 2015 Alzheimer's As…
Hazy, Hot, and Humid. It is not just uncomfortable. A bad heat wave can become a slow-motion weather catastrophe, killing many people, especially elderly and poor people.
Hospitals and healthcare providers often cite medical privacy laws when they are asked for information about patients. But the law is often cited by people to whom it does not apply and for issues to which the law does not extend.
A music festival is using one of Romania’s favorite sons, Dracula, to help boost blood donations in that country. Posters feature the world’s most famous vampire with a blood donation bag.