For the past couple of months, headlines entail recalls of many products including ice cream and hummus. Public paranoia worsened when three were confirmed dead from eating ice cream and the culprit is Listeriosis or Listeria.
The meat industry increased its purchases of antibiotics that are important to human health by 20% between 2009 and 2013 despite increased regulations and scrutiny on the use of antibiotics in livestock and poultry.
Two new rapid-acting Ebola vaccines have protected laboratory animals against the strain of the deadly virus that caused the recent outbreak in West Africa.
About 16% of the adults in the United States with asthma either developed the condition on the job of have asthma symptoms made worse by conditions where they work.
The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant or more popularly known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has been hogging the headlines for months for their notorious violence and cruelty against people of other religions and women. While they are curren…
Researchers found that Viagra works best against erectile dysfunction, but there is a trade-off between effectiveness and side effects in many of these drugs.