A 28-year old woman from Zhengzhou, Henan province arrived in Shanghai last week. She wants to have cosmetic surgery after being diagnosed with a rare condition that has made her appear twice her age.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 29 million American adults have diabetes, and one fourth of them don’t know that they have it.
Sierra Leone continues to be one of the hardest-hit nations in this current Ebola outbreak. According to two sources, for example, two doctors died of the virus within one day.
Despite the strong calls from the gay community, blood organizations, and medical experts, advisors from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) still remains unconvinced at lifting the ban on gay blood donation, even recommending the agency panel to be cautiou…
Some people develop serious and lasting problems after a concussion. A chemical in the blood may be able to predict who will have lasting problems and who will not.
Men who smoke are more likely to have lost the Y chromosome in their blood cells than are men who don't smoke. This mutation may increase their risk of developing and dying from cancer.