Are we really near in finding the right treatment for breast cancer? A vaccine currently under a clinical trial is showing huge promise after the participants showed no life-threatening side effects and experience delay in disease progression.
A baby boy are 10% more likely to die just before or during birth than a baby girl. This is true worldwide, in both developed and under-developed countries.
The death toll from Ebola virus in West Africa is nearing 7,000 as the largest epidemic of the virus continues. The toll rose by more than 1,200 in a week because some earlier deaths had gone unreported.
For 30 years, gay men or those having sexual affairs with the same sex are banned from donating blood. However, FDA will discuss if it’s high time to demolish this policy.
Mali had almost a hundred people quarantined two weeks ago after a nurse was infected with Ebola virus from her volunteer work in Sierra Leone. But now, the President confirmed that they have no more confirmed cases of Ebola.
The American Plasma Users Coalition (A-PLUS) has already submitted a formal statement supporting gay blood donation with the Blood Products Advisory Committee (BPAC) of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).