A decontamination team was sent to decontaminate the apartment where Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan stayed in when he got sick. Members of the family that he stayed with are also now being held in isolation.
Hospital officials from the Dallas hospital where the first US patient diagnosed with the Ebola virus have released a statement saying that the patient is now in critical condition.
A patient who had recently traveled to Nigeria is now being held in isolation at the Howard University Hospital in Washington, DC due to a display of symptoms that are associated to the Ebola virus disease.
Both male and female patients tend to be more collaborative and more than likely to listen to the medical guidance from female than male doctors, according to a French study.
The Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas made a mistake when they allowed the first Ebola patient in the US to be released after going into the emergency room to seek treatment, and despite the fact that he acknowledged having recently traveled to Liberia