Cancer drug anamorelin helps simulate ghrelin, a receptor that increases the release of growth hormone, responsible for regulating metabolism, lean mass, and appetite.
Enterovirus 68 is an acute respiratory illness that shares epidemiologic and biologic characteristics with human rhinoviruses. It can cause severe respiratory disease that affects breathing and respiration.
A fingerprint-based recognition system may be what parents and healthcare workers need to help keep track of vaccination schedules of babies and toddlers.
A nurse that was working in an Ebola treatment facility in Sierra Leone had to be evacuated out of Africa as a precaution after a child, infected with the Ebola virus, bit him.
Experts say that the number of HIV and AIDS cases within the southern states have escalated drastically over the past few years and is now the highest across all regions of the United States. Conditions worsen eyes people living with HIV or AIDS in these areas…
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States has issued a recent forecast about the possible rise in the number of Ebola cases. The numbers that were released suggested that over 1 million people within the countries of Sierra Leone and …