Researchers have found a way to turn leukemia cells into leukemia-killing immune cells. The method used may help provide powerful new treatments for leukemia and for other types of cancer.
A new research finds the 'right arm' as the most predictive in terms of estimating the body's total mole count. People having more than 11 moles in this region are said to be at high risk of developing skin cancer.
A study has shown that male and female hearts don’t grow old in the same way. This finding gives clues on the effect of gender differences in heart failure.
A new study has identified a specific protein in the blood that can be used to look for heart damage. This protein can be an early indicator of end-stage renal disease in people with hypertension.
The findings of many studies in heart disease are never published and are never known to anyone outside of those running the study. In many cases, the studies are too small and make no difference to the practice of medicine, or even to other researchers.
A recent finding contradicts lay beliefs of people that birth order has a lasting impact on a person's personality. However, IQ was found to slowly decline from firstborn down to the last in a family.