Not getting paid well and having to work long hours for it? You might increase your chances of developing diabetes, at least according to a recent London study.
Foreign-born US residents appear to be less likely to have all the necessary vaccinations that are needed to fend off diseases that are highly preventable.
Citing bursts in libido, confidence, and energy as a result, writer Andrew Sullivan refered to his testosterone injections as "a biweekly encounter with a syringe full of manhood."
It's a long-lasting liver infection caused by the hepatitis C virus. During the first 6 months of the infection, it's called acute hepatitis. For most people with acute hepatitis C -- up to 80% -- their illness moves on to a chronic, lasting hepatitis C infect…
Some of the differences were positive, though. Overall, gays, lesbians and bisexuals were more likely than their straight peers to participate in regular exercise.
The Doctors, a popular TV show hosted by six professional doctors took on a challenge to see how dirty public toilets are and what you can do to protect yourself from the microbes.
Dr. Hilary Jones is back on TV to show viewers, especially women, how to perform breast self-exam. This time, he’s brought on a volunteer who willingly exposed her breasts so others may really learn.
Amid the self-acceptance campaigns and "born this way" anthems of this generation, poor body image still lies, and apparently has gotten worse, according to a study by Glamour Magazine.