Prior research had suggested that drinking coffee may help protect the organ, but the new study suggests caffeine might not be the active ingredient at work.
Over a little more than a decade, nearly 60 percent of the allergy-related deaths were caused by medications, while less than 7 percent were caused by food allergies, the study found.
Such visits -- via smartphone, tablet, or computer -- are gaining in popularity, and an increasing number of insurance companies and health care providers tout telehealth's potential to deliver cost savings, efficiency, and convenience without compromising qua…
The survey's results established that 3 out of 4 family carers admit that the care they have to give to a family member with schizophrenia is taking a toll on their physical and emotional well-being.
According to Janet Ashby, Chazz mother, the foundation they are aiming to build serves to assure families and their children that in the event a case of mental health issue surfaces, they will have help readily available for them.
the use of benzocaine gels and liquids for mouth and gum pain can lead to a rare but serious-and sometimes fatal-condition called methemoglobinemia, a disorder in which the amount of oxygen carried through the blood stream is greatly reduced. In the most sever…
FDA approval on a new hepatitis C drug has doctors optimistic that the benefits from this treatment will be worth the cost of the drug as it does away with the need for other medicines in the regimen.
This study shows that even outside of a full-scale outbreak, when athletes are healthy and there are no infections, there are still a substantial number of them who are colonized with these potentially harmful bacteria