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  • Heart Failure Deaths Rising in Younger Adults

  • May 10, 2019 10:02 AM EDT
  • CHICAGO --- Death rates due to heart failure are now increasing, and this increase is most prominent among younger adults under 65, considered premature death, reports a new Northwestern Medicine study.
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  • Research Suggests Strategy for more Equitable Medicare Reimbursement

  • Apr 30, 2019 05:34 PM EDT
  • Those who were enrolled in both Medicare and Medicaid were sicker, had more cognitive impairments and difficulty functioning, and needed more social support than those who were not enrolled in both government programs, Saint Louis University researchers found.…
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  • A Spoonful of Peppermint Helps the Meal go Down

  • Apr 29, 2019 10:35 AM EDT
  • Imagine that while eating a delicious meal at your favorite restaurant, your joy is cut short because of difficulty swallowing your food, followed by chest pain.
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  • Permanent Daylight Savings may Cancel out Changes to School Start Times

  • Apr 22, 2019 11:57 AM EDT
  • Moving the clock forward and then back each spring and fall usually draws plenty of complaints and questions about why such a change is necessary. As a result, several states in the U.S., including California, Washington, Florida, and North Carolina, are now c…
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  • Keeping the taste, reducing the salt

  • Apr 13, 2019 09:37 AM EDT
  • Washington State University researchers have found a way to make food taste salty but with less of the sodium chloride tied to poor health.
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