Popular coffee shop Starbucks has been responding to requests for healthier choices, particularly with milk varieties. With veganism on the rise, as well as allergies, diets, lactose intolerance, and other health and lifestyle concerns, Starbucks has decided t…
A 2014 article on Fox News reveals the secrets to weight loss, pointing out the possible reasons why attempts to a fit and healthy body remain as "attempts" and not successes.
Bananas have long been known to be healthy and beneficial, and this has been further supported by current findings published in science and medical journals.
September is designated as National Food Safety Month. Several training events and programs will be held through the celebration pose to help in improving the status of safety and handling in the food industry.
Studies suggest that the brain can be ”trained” to prefer healthy, low-calorie foods and “reverse” the addictive effects of their unhealthy, high calorie counterparts.
A study done by the team of Angela Donin of St. George’s, University of London discovered that the risk of reaching obesity and having type 2 diabetes due to skipping breakfast is not only applicable to adults, but to children as well.
A study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association revealed that one way to lessen stress levels in the body, especially for those diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, is to consume pistachios on a daily basis.