If you feel you have doubled or even tripled your efforts to weight loss to little or no desired result, then it could be because you have a lot of stored fat in the body.
Scrap the diet plan for a while. Based on a new large study, there’s no single diet that will work as people’s responses to food can significantly vary.
The rate of obesity is still rising among United States adults. Women have now overtaken men in number who are classified as obese, according to the report.
Being of normal weight but having a beer belly is bad for you. Carrying fat around the middle of your body greatly increases your risk for heart disease and death
The University of Colorado School of Medicine in Denver is giving back $1 million it received from the Coca-Cola Co. The money had been given tto help create the Global Energy Balance Network, an organization that had the stated purpose of advocating for good …
Are you having a hard time stopping yourself from having another bowl of ice cream? The reason may be in you genes. A group of UK researchers have revealed that a person’s love for high-fat food may already be hardwired in the brain.
Nearly half of American women gain more than the recommended amount of weight during their pregnancies. Only about one third gain the recommended amount of weight.
Researchers say that people who eat food in moderation actually have lower diet quality and worse metabolic health than people who eat a small number of healthy foods.